Recommended Reading for New Parents

Sometimes it's still nice to have a hard copy of the printed word nearby to refer to. We've gathered some recommended titles for your convenience.

Having published reading resources on hand, to study in preparation or to grab for a quick reference check, can be reassuring. Taking the time to read about breastfeeding, infant development and transitioning to motherhood can be helpful in understanding and adjusting to life as a parent. Published materials have reviewed credibility and offer the opportunity for deeper information and a deeper understanding on the part of the reader.

On this page we've included some classics as well as some of our own personal favorites.

Latch: A handbook for Breastfeeding with Confidence at Every Stage  1st Edition by Robin Kaplan M.Ed. IBCLC. Addresses specific breastfeeding concerns, allowing you to feel empowered while breastfeeding and overcome challenges as they arise. 

Sweet Sleep: Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family by Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, Linda Smith, Teresa Pitman (La Leche League International, 2014).

Nighttime Parenting How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep by William Sears M.D. (La Leche League International; revised edition1999).

 Classics from La Leche League

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding 8th Edition by Diane Wiessinger, Diana West and Teresa Pitman (New York: Ballentine Books, 2004) LLL
The first edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding was published in 1958. It was a ground breaker in getting encouragement and information to new mothers at a time when breastfeeding knowledge was not always readily available. It is a classic still worth having on hand.

Breastfeeding Made Simple Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers by Nancy Mohrbacher and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc 2005).
Excellent resource with solid information and wisdom.

Mothering Your Nursing Toddler by Norma Jane Bumgarner (La Leche League International; revised edition 2000).


The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and other classic breastfeeding titles available at ThriftBooks (share link)

After the Baby's Birth...A Woman's Way to Wellness: A Complete Guide for Postpartum Women by Robin Lim (Celestial Arts, 1995)

The Nursing Mother's Problem Solver by Claire Martin (New York: Fireside, 2000)

The Nursing Mothers Companion by Kathleen Huggins

Nursing Your Baby by Karen Pryor and Gale Pryor

The Breastfeeding Book by Martha Sears

The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk by Diana West and Lisa Marasco

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing How Natural Mothering Spaces Babies by Sheila Kippley

Breastfeeding Facts Over Fiction: Health Implications on the African American Community
by Mishawn Purnell-O'Neal

Free to Breastfeed: Voices of Black Mothers by Jeanine Valerie Logan and Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka

The Black Woman's Guide to Breastfeeding: The Definitive Guide to Nursing for African American Mothers
by Katherine Barber

About Babies

Babies are truly amazing. The more new parents know about baby development and behavior the more prepared they are for the changes a new baby brings to a family.

Your Amazing Newborn by M.D. Marshall H. Klaus (Da Capo Press, 2000)

The Baby Book: Everything You Need to know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two by William Sears M.D.

For Fathers

Don't forget the dads! They can use some acknowledgement of the transition they are making to parenthood, too. Their new role requires adjustment and transformation that deserves support.

Becoming a Father by William Sears, M.D. (Schaumberg, IL: La Leche League International, 2003).

Being A Father Family, Work, and Self Edited by Anne Pedersen and Peggy O'Mara. Personal first person fathering stories compiled by Anne Pedersen and former Mothering Magazine editor Peggy O'Mara (Santa Fe John Muir Publications, 1990)


How Weaning Happens by Diane Bengson (Schaumburg, IL: La Leche League International, 1999).

Baby-led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett


How To Raise A Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and author advises parents on home treatment and diagnosis of colds and flus, childhood illnesses, vision and hearing problems, allergies, and more. PLUS, a complete section on picking the right doctor for your child, step-by-step instructions for knowing when to call a doctor, and much more.

The Parenting Handbook: The First Three Months After the Baby is Born by Vivian Morgan

Attachment Parenting Book by William Sears M.D.

Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practices of Natural Childbirth by Grantly Dick-Read and Ina May Gaskin

The Natural Child, Parenting from the Heart by Jan Hunt (New Society Publishers, 2001)

Germ Proof Your Kids: The Complete Guide to Protecting (without Overprotecting) Your Family from Infections by Harley A. Rotbart M.D.

Children’s books

Children’s books depicting new babies are a welcome and useful addition to a growing family's library. Those including breastfeeding as the norm are fewer than you might expect. We own most of the ones we've found and we keep our eyes open for new titles even though we don't do much lap reading time anymore. My children don't fit on my lap anymore. Oh, how I loved those snuggle and reading times!

The Wonders of Mother's MilkA lovely children's book to read with a sibling of a new baby.

These nursing friendly children’s books are wonderful to read with older siblings and for reading with baby as she grows.

The Wonders of Mother’s Milk by Mishawn Purnell-O’Neal Illustrations by Dana T.C. Simpson (InterPress, Ltd, 2005)

We Like to Nurse by Chia Martin Illustrations by Shukyo L. Rainey (Hohm Prees, 1995)

We Like to Nurse Too by Mary Young and Zacary Parker

Rosie's Babies by Martin Wadell and Penny Dale (1990)

Welcoming Babies by Margy Burns Knight Illustrations by Anne Sibley O'Brien (Tilbury House)

Mama's Milk by Michael Elsohn Ross Illustrated by Ashley Wolff

On Mother's Lap by Ann HerbertScott Illustrated by Glo Coalson

The Best Gifts by Marsha Skrypuch Illustrated by Halina Below

What Baby Needs by William Sears, Martha Sears, Christie Watts Kelly, Illustrated by Renee Andriani (2001)

Teen mom experience

You Look Too Young to Be a Mom: Teen Mothers on Love, Learning, and Success by Deborah Davis
Non-fiction, includes two empowering stories that focus on breastfeeding.


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For more suggested reading, visit our pages Further Reading and Reading with Children. 

Read to me?
It's never to early to start reading to you baby!
Too many books too little time...
Reading with the cat.Pets like a good read aloud, too!